Elite Cattle
Webster defines elite as the choice part, the cream, the best of the class or the superior. What makes a Longhorn elite? At Hudson Longhorns we believe an Elite Longhorn is a rare Longhorn of great value. When determining the value of an elite Longhorn, the first thing that one must consider is their horns. There are only about 30 Longhorn cows in the world, that measure over 90” tip to tip, so to have a Longhorn that measures 90” or to own one that will certainly mature at over 90” makes her a rare animal indeed. It works similar to baseball cards, most of them are worth pennies, but a Micky Mantle rookie card is worth thousands. But horn length, shape and direction are not the only factors to consider when valuing an elite Longhorn. Pedigrees or blood lines is what the Longhorn industry is really all about, and having the right blood lines and learning how to breed them up is what creates the great value. Sure all cattlemen are concerned about conformation, nobody wants to own an ugly cow, and yes, we want them to milk well, raise nice and healthy calves and have a good temperament, but at the end of the day, a real Longhorn breeder wants a beautiful cow that is a rare treasure or even a priceless work of art, created by God Himself.
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